“Who Else Wants To Get A Tight Butt, Small Waist, Toned Arms, and a Lean Sexy Body In Just 6 Weeks From The Comfort Of Your Own Home?”

From: Valerie Waters
Los Angeles, California
February 19, 2009
Subject: How To Get A Celebrity Body (Without Being One!)

Dear Friend,
If you want a lifted tight butt, flat stomach, and no more jiggles when you walk but you want all this without getting buff with a ripped 6 pack and bulging muscles then this is the most important letter that you will ever read.
Here's Why....
My name is Valerie Waters.
For the past 15 years I have been helping Hollywood stars like Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Garner, Poppy Montgomery, Elizabeth Berkeley, Kate Backinsale, Lauren Graham, and Lauren Holly get the sleek and sexy bodies that they need for their roles in Blockbuster Hollywood movies or Primetime TV shows.
Now, I want to help you.
First you should know something very important – you've also been lied to about celebrity weight loss secrets.
This is very important….
You don't have to be a celebrity to have a movie star body.
The insider celebrity weight loss secrets that you are about to learn have nothing to do with money, fame, live-in personal chefs, or one-on-one personal trainers that work with you 8 hours a day. NOTHING.
But the thing is….you WILL have a movie star body with a tight butt, toned and sexy arms, lean legs, and a taut waist….no matter what your age or what you life is like – married, single, kids, no kids, if you work all day…none of this matters.
I was able to try on "normal" clothes and actually feel good about how they fit!
HOORAY! I am now officially 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!!
Not only that, but my clothes are starting to fit again!! There arenít words enough to describe just how excited I am! I can't thank you enough, Val! Not only for putting together such a fantastic and effective program, but for creating a community where we can be encouraged and held accountable.
Honestly, without this program, I would most likely have finished off a batch of cookies and be
sitting in front of the TV, sobbing about how fat I am this evening.
Instead, I just finished a fantastic shopping trip with my husband, where I was able to try on "normal" clothes and actually feel good about how they fit! THANK YOU!!! "
-Stephanie Morrison - Twin Cities, MN
What you are about to discover is the same system that Cindy Crawford used at age 31 when she was called to be on the cover of Playboy Magazine and needed to look as good as she did at age 21. Not only did Cindy look amazing at the photoshoot- we transformed her body (knocking 10 years off her 'look') only working out for 50 minutes, 3 days a week.
That's right ONLY 3 workouts a week for 50 minutes a piece.
I'm going to give you the exact blueprint of what we did and I can tell you what it is not.
It is...
NOT 8 hours of training a day
NOT endless hours on a treadmill
NOT exercise programs written for men but just given to women.
I know you may be skeptical as if I were in your shoes I would be thinking ...
"Yeah but celebrities have personal trainers for all their workouts and personal chefs for all their meals. I don't have either!"
I can tell you from personal experience that this is NOT the case. I am going to take you step by step showing you exactly what to eat, exactly how to exercise and exactly how to get the body of your dreams...
Without a personal trainer...
Without a Personal Chef...
Even Without a Gym...in JUST 6 Weeks
What you are about to discover is the same system that Cindy Crawford used at age 31 when she was called to be on the cover of Playboy Magazine and needed to look as good as she did at age 21. Not only did Cindy look amazing at the photoshoot- we transformed her body (knocking 10 years off her 'look') only working out for 50 minutes, 3 days a week.
That's right ONLY 3 workouts a week for 50 minutes a piece.
I'm going to give you the exact blueprint of what we did and I can tell you what it is not.
It is...
NOT 8 hours of training a day
NOT endless hours on a trea
NOT exercise programs written for men but just given to women.
What you are about to discover is the same system that Cindy Crawford used at age 31 when she was called to be on the cover of Playboy Magazine and needed to look as good as she did at age 21. Not only did Cindy look amazing at the photoshoot- we transformed her body (knocking 10 years off her 'look') only working out for 50 minutes, 3 days a week.
That's right ONLY 3 workouts a week for 50 minutes a piece.
I'm going to give you the exact blueprint of what we did and I can tell you what it is not.
It is...
NOT 8 hours of training
a day
NOT endless hours on a treadmill
NOT exercise programs written for men but just given to women.
I know you may be skeptical as if I were in your shoes I would be thinking ...
"Yeah but celebrities have personal trainers for all their workouts and personal chefs for all their meals. I don't have either!"
I can tell you from personal experience that this is NOT the case. I am going to take you step by step showing you exactly what to eat, exactly how to exercise and exactly how to get the body of your dreams...
Without a personal trainer...
Without a Personal Chef...
Even Without a Gym...i
n JUST 6 Weeks
How is that possible??
Over the years working with my different celebrity clients I have been faced with my hard deadlines - whether is was Cindy Crawford's playboy shoot, Jennifer Garner's shooting of the pilot for the show Alias or Rachel Nichol's first day of shooting as Shana "Scarlet" O'hara in the G.I. Joe movie...as their trainer I needed to deliver a top notch, sexy, toned body (you know the kind that could kick a bad guy's butt, yet still look great in a dress).
To get these girls into that movie star shape I usually only have 6 weeks. That is why I had to craft and hone my toning, tightening, weight loss system to get amazing results in 6 weeks or less.
Now I am happy to tell y
ou that I have put my entire
"Lose Weight, Tighten Your Butt, Get So Sexy You Look Ready To Step Onto The Red Carpet in Just 6 Weeks System ..."
together so you can get the exact same results my A-List celebrity clients get - I guarantee it.
Why?... Because I know that the weight is going to fall off you once you discover...
- How to add back the missing ingredient that plagues everyone I work with for accelerated weight loss
- The single most important thing that you can do to enhance your weight loss (Warning: this has NOTHING to do with your diet)'
- How to prepare AMAZING meals that cause the weight to melt off your thighs even if you can't cook and don't have the time.
- My 'C & R' Method for keeping the weight loss coming instead of having you suffer through frustrating weight loss plateau after plateau.
- How the Red Carpet Ready diet will allow you to watch your waistline shrink before your very eyes without you ever counting 1 calorie, gram, or point!
- That you can peel off the pounds of fat without ever feeling deprived or hungry while your friends are stuck eating cabbage soup or lemon water and maple syrup (yuck!)
- Cindy Crawford's secret mantra for achieving a tight, toned, and sexy body at any age.
- How the 'chair experiment' will forever change the way you go about losing weight - forever.
- My 6 steps to endless motivation - using just one of these will guarantee that you never 'cheat' on your diet again.
- The 19 foods that you must banish from your kitchen immediately if you want any hope of losing weight (Don't worry I'll give you a list of 38 foods that you MUST have in your kitchen).
- Why anyone that tells you that you need to go to a gym to get a great body is just lying (I'll show you how 'going to the gym' can be as simple as pushing the coffee table out of the way
- The 8 'rules' for eating your way to a movie star body.
- Exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (plus what you can snack on during the day) to achieve your movie star look.
- My 'Magic 8' Steps that you can take to disarm your desire to not follow the Red Carpet Diet.
- How to get the muscles you need to zap the fat off your body while keeping your vibrant feminine appeal.
- How keeping your body 'guessing' ensures that the fat keeps melting.
- My "3-On Alternating" approach to having your drop pounds fast without spending your life exercising
...and a lot more.
I have compiled my entire Red Carpet Ready Diet and Training program PLUS several exclusive never seen before celebrity weight loss add-ons to ensure that you tighten your butt, tone your arms, and flatten your tummy in just 6 week - I guarantee it.
Here is what you will receive as part of the Red Carpet Ready Celebrity Weight
Loss System:
- 6 Week Red Carpet Ready Arm Toning, Body Tightening, Butt Lifting, Tummy Shrinking - Total Body Weight Loss Program.
- 6 Week Red Carpet Ready Celebrity Body Diet – You will receive the SAME diet plan that I gave Jennifer Garner when she was preparing for the summer blockbuster movie Elektra, the SAME one I used to train Cindy Crawford for her second appearance on the cover of Playboy Magazine, and the SAME step by step weight loss diet I gave Jessica Biel as she tightened and toned her body for the sizzling action hero role of Abigail Whistler in Blade Trinity.
- 52 Motivational Insider Tips and Tricks for Unlimited Weight Loss – I know that life can get in th e way of your weight loss plans and sometimes you just don't feel like exercising or sticking to your diet. That is why I have compiled for you my 52 best insider motivational tips that you can use whenever you feel like "falling off the weight loss wagon". Before putting this special report together I had only reveled these tips and tricks to my celebrity clients but now they are yours.
- Red Carpet Ready Celebrity Insider Weight Loss Video Collection – You are just 60 seconds away from being able to download to your computer (or Ipod) nearly 3 hours of exclusive and uncut video filmed in my living room where World Famous Fat Loss Trainers and Health experts spill ed their most effective weight loss tips and tricks. Here are just some of the people you will see and hear from in this video: Women's Health Expert and one of California's top Fat Loss trainers Rachel Cosgrove, Performance Sports Specialist and Fat Loss Mindset guru Anthony Slater, Craig Friedmen - trainer to dozens of professional athletes, an expert in the preparation and creation of fast and healthy meals - John Stewart, Yoga master to the celebrities Tom Morley....and several others
- Red Carpet Ready 2 Week Peak Countdown – Do you have a wedding, reunion, party, date, or any special event that you want to look absolutely fabulous for? The Red Carpet Ready Two Week Peak Countdown program is going to make sure that you turn all the heads when you walk into the room. This special add-on to the Red Carpet Ready System will show you exactly how to lose those last few pounds just days before your event, my movie star skin protocol to ensure your skin has the perfect glow skin, my never before told secrets on how to tweak your Red Carpet Ready workouts according to the outfit you'll be wearing (If you are wearing a dress this part of the Countdown is a MUST follow – WHY??). The Two Week Peak Countdown will cover every detail imagina ble so you know exactly what to do each day leading up to your event so that you look absolutely STUNNING!
As you can see I want to help you get the body you have been yearning for. I want you to have the 'celebrity treatment'....but there is a problem.
For years, the only way y
ou could get this information was to enroll as a personal client. And that's if I could even take you
on as...I am completely booked. I am not taking on any new clients, I haven't been for 6 weeks, and I have a 6 month waiting list of movie stars
that want me to whip their butts into
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